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WNSB Launches Voter Initiative

WNSB, located on the campus of Norfolk State University, is among four public urban alternative radio stations combining efforts to encourage their young and diverse audiences to register and vote in the 2020 election.

The other participating stations include WBEW-FM, Chicago; KUVO-FM, Denver; and KTSU-FM, Houston. The four-station campaign will promote local efforts to register voters and encourage them to vote on November 3.

“WNSB-FM is licensed to serve the community,” said Toni Jones, WNSB marketing and community engagement director. “To that end, it is our duty to inform, educate, engage and mobilize the community — especially communities of color and their specific issues.”

“With voting being such an important issue in America today, WNSB along with three other urban alternative public radio stations decided that a collaboration would be the best way to serve our communities and convey one unified message across the country,” Jones said. 

The campaign, “The Movement Continues – Vote 2020,”  includes partnerships with local organizations that are already established to support voter registration and voting efforts, along with each station’s broadcast, website, social media and on-site promotions.

WNSB, also known as Blazin’ Hot 91, will work with Norfolk State University, the NAACP, the Urban League of Hampton Roads and the Virginia League of Conservatory Voters Education Fund. “From now until November 3, WNSB will be an essential community resource for the upcoming election cycle,” said Jones.

“Our listeners will hear consistent information about voting, including how to vote, where to vote, and most importantly, we will share your rights as a voter. WNSB will execute this through interviews, on-air promotional announcements, as well as postings on all of our social media platforms.”

WNSB's broadcast signal can be found on the FM dial at 91.1 and you may listen online at

“Our goal is to reach and enable everyone of voting age,”  said Jones.