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Payment Information

Payment Information

All students are expected to pay prior balances in full before registration for the current term. Students must satisfy current tuition, fees, room and meal costs at the time of registration unless payment arrangements are made and/or they have been awarded financial aid and other scholarships sufficient to cover the cost.

Student Notification

E-mails will be sent to students notifying them of the pending class cancellation process if financial obligations to the University have not been met.


Students with unpaid prior balances will not be allowed to register for any upcoming semesters.


Non-University scholarships are not credited toward tuition, fees, and room and board charges until funds are received; however, these awards may be counted as expected financial aid when establishing a payment plan and included in the total amount of aid that will be used toward payment of University expenses. A copy of scholarship notifications should be sent to the financial aid office.

Tuition and Fee Due Dates

Tuition and Fees are due by the class cancellation dates.  Students who do not pay balances in full or make satisfactory payment arrangements by these dates will have their classes cancelled. Once classes have been cancelled, students must re-register. There is no guarantee the same classes will be available if re-registration is necessary.