We See Your Future in Visual Arts.
We See the Potential in You.

Masters of Fine Arts in Visual Studies
The foundation of the principles and practices of the Visual Arts courses are in drawing and design. It is important for the Visual Arts student to understand seeing and the translation of same onto a two dimensional surface. In the basic courses the introduction of the skills of proportion, perspective, value observation in both achromatic and chromatic stages, and the understanding of illusionary and actual three dimensional forms and space are the foundational skills for the ensuing upper level courses to come.
Solomon Isekeije, M.F.A Visual Studies
Associate Professor of Fine Arts & Director Division of Fine Arts.
About the Master of Fine ArtS in Visual Studies
The Master of Fine Arts in Visual Studies provides highly motivated and mature students with an intensive, multifaceted, educational experience in the visual arts. The M.F.A. is professional terminal degree in studio art, usually completed in two and a half years. It is not a media specific studio program. This structure allows students the flexibility to explore and develop new working methods without the constraints of a media driven major.
Students have the flexibility to explore and develop new working methods without the constraints of a media driven major.
When a student has completed a semester of graduate work, a Continuance Review is conducted by the entire graduate faculty. Following this review, a three-person committee is assigned to students whose work at this point merits continuance in the program. This committee designates one member as the student’s major advisor. The major advisor, along with the graduate committee, then guides the student through the matriculation process.
At the end of the first year of study (30 semester hours), a Candidacy Review is conducted by the student’s three person committee. The committee evaluates the student’s progress and potential for further development, and then determines whether or not the student continues in the program as a candidate for the degree. Study for the M.F.A. candidate culminates in public solo graduate exhibition, comprehensive written thesis, and oral defense of the candidate’s work.
Total Semester Hours: 60
Passing Grades: A (4.00), A- (3.75), B+ (3.50) or B (3.00)
A grade of B- (2.75) or lower is not a passing grade. Students must maintain a B (3.00) grade point average to remain in the program.
Part-time Load: 12 credit hours
Full-time Load: 9 credit hours
Plans of Study
The Master of Fine Arts in Visual Studies provides highly motivated and mature students with an intensive, multifaceted, educational experience in the visual arts. The M.F.A. is professional terminal degree in studio art, usually completed in two and a half years. It is not a media specific studio program. This structure allows students the flexibility to explore and develop new working methods without the constraints of a media driven major.
When a student has completed a semester of graduate work, a Continuance Review is conducted by the entire graduate faculty. Following this review a three-person committee is assigned to students whose work at this point merits continuance in the program. This committee designates one member as the student’s major advisor. The major advisor along with the graduate committee then guides the student through the matriculation process.
At the end of the first year of study (30 semester hours), a Candidacy Review is conducted by the student’s three person committee. The committee evaluates the student’s progress and potential for further development, and then determines whether or not the student continues in the program as a candidate for the degree. Study for the M.F.A. candidate culminates in public solo graduate exhibition, comprehensive written thesis, and oral defense of the candidate’s work.
The required 60 semester hours are divided in the following manner:
- Graduate Studio courses, 27 semester hours
- Related Academic courses, 12 semester hours
- Directed Field Experience, 6 semester hours
- Graduate Seminars, 9 semester hours
- Graduate Exhibition and Thesis, 6 semester hours
TOTAL 60 semester hours
A letter grade of A (4.00), A- (3.75), B+ (3.50) or B (3.00) is a passing grade in graduate courses. A grade of B- (2.75) or lower is not a passing grade. Students must maintain a B (3.00) grade point average to remain in the program. Twelve credit hours are required for a student to be considered full-time; and 9 credit hours are required in order to be eligible for financial aid.
Application Process
The student must complete the online graduate application process as stated in the Graduate School’s application procedure. Along with the general application information, the student must include reference letters, and one official transcript from each college and/or university previously attended, as well a non-refundable application fee. In addition, the student must include a written statement not to exceed three pages assessing background, aesthetic concerns and professional goals; and a digital portfolio. This portfolio must contain at least 20 examples of recent work with all pieces labeled: title, medium, dimensions, and date of execution. This may be in a PDF or PowerPoint format either on a CD or a jump drive. The CD or jump drive clearly marked with the applicant’s name and the written statement is sent directly to the Graduate Program Coordinator care of the Fine Arts Office, room 112 in the Hamm Fine Arts Building.
An applicant in Visual Studies must have completed at least 12 semester hours of undergraduate art history and must have completed 36 credit hours (or its equivalent) in studio art. An undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 is preferred with exceptions entirely at the discretion of the graduate coordinator and graduate faculty. Transfer credit will be considered at the time of admission. Applicants desiring transfer credit must submit a written request to the Graduate Coordinator along with transcripts from the courses for which credit is desired. A maximum of 9 credit hours may be transferred into the program.
Before a student can be admitted to graduate school, he/she must have documented proof of having completed an undergraduate degree in an allied field.